HMRC - e-Learning;

Are your expenses taxable?



This learning is designed to meet HMRC's standards for accessibility and usability.

For best user experience and to avoid the possibility of scroll bars, we recommend your screen resolution is set at 1024 by 768. Detailed guidance on how to change your screen resolution is available on the Intranet.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can access a list of e-Learning keyboard shortcuts from the link e-Learning keyboard shortcuts.

JAWS or screen reader users

This learning is system based and may not be suitable for screen readers. To discuss an alternative learning solution please contact Learning's Diversity and Equality Advisor using the link Learning Service Centre Enquiries.

Dragon users

For best user experience, we recommend you have your Dragon user bar docked at the top and try different text sizes to obtain your preferred view. To access links in the text version, insert the cursor into position over the link and select enter.

Text size

To change the size of the text, select your Intranet View menu then Text size.


To change some colours, select your Intranet Tools menu then select Internet Options/Accessibility.

Other accessibility issues

For any other accessibility issues please send an email query using the link Learning Service Centre Enquiries.
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