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HMRC - e-Learning;

Are your expenses taxable?

Taxable expenses

Tax relief

If your T&S expenses are taxable, you may be entitled to tax relief.

Tax relief is due on business journey costs provided they are necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties of the employment.

For example travel on the job rather than travel to the job.
Travel on the job
Travel to the job
The relief is due under Sections 337, 338 and 339 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003.
Select each item for further information
Travel on the job

Journeys subject to tax relief (travel on the job) are

In London, travel to temporary workplaces by tube within the same Zone and within 10 Tube stops of your principle permanent workplace in London should be treated as travel to the same temporary workplace.

Travel to the job

Journeys not subject to tax relief (travel to the job) are

Ordinary commuting is travel between your home and a permanent workplace.

All travel and subsistence costs claimable for any journey to/from that location is liable to tax and NICs.

In London, if you travel by tube within the same Zone and within 10 Tube stops of your principle permanent workplace in London your journey should be treated as travel to the same workplace.
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